Thursday 19 May 2016

Our Home

Our Home

 The Earth is our home. It is the 3rd planet out from the Sun in our solar system, this is one of the reasons we can actually live here. If it was too close it would be too hot for life on earth, as we know it to live and on the flip side if we were too far away it would be too cold for life as we know it to survive. There are many other theories on how life on Earth began, one of these theories is known as the "Theory of Consecutive Creation" or "Catastrophism" which is the theory of many catastrophes causing extinction of the existing life and then the forming of new life, which are a different form of the previous ones, over millions of years these new forms of life evolve. This theory was an early adaption of evolution supported by French scientists, Georges Cuvier and Orbigney, and is an example of a theory of creation involving the change in the Earth's geography which effected evolution.  The catastrophes (natural disasters) would have effected the geography of the planet, which in turn would, in theory, cause the new life to adapt to the surroundings, which in turn would lead to faster, smarter and stronger species.

for the photo.

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